Clinic Operations
October 16, 2024
7 min

What clients really need: How to deliver exceptional care in the exam room

Every pet owner who walks through your door has one priority: their pet’s health — but that means more than clinical care. For clients, the exam room is where they form an opinion about you and your practice. It’s where trust is built, where concerns are addressed, and where decisions are made together. Meeting client expectations and giving them a great experience in the room can be challenging, especially when you’re stretched thin by appointments, admin tasks, and the growing demands of running a busy practice.

But the implications of client sentiment matter. Studies suggest that clients who feel heard and understood are more likely to trust their vet and stick to recommended treatment plans

Let’s explore what clients are truly looking for during their visits and how you can deliver that experience in a way that not only benefits them, but also makes your day-to-day work easier and more efficient.

What clients need in the exam room

When a pet owner steps into the exam room, they come with a mix of emotions. Their pets are part of their family, and they trust you to diagnose and treat their pets and guide them through the experience with compassion and clarity. 

While veterinary medicine naturally requires a sharp focus on diagnosis and treatment, research has consistently shown that the client experience plays an equally significant role in their satisfaction and trust. This is why being fully present in the exam room—truly listening and engaging with clients—can dramatically enhance their experience. 

But what exactly are clients looking for in these moments?

1. To be heard and understood

When clients come to you, they need to feel that their concerns about their pet are heard and taken seriously. Sometimes, they’ve been worrying about symptoms for days, if not weeks. In that moment, the most important thing you can do is listen fully.

Show that you’re paying attention by maintaining eye contact, nodding as they speak, and asking follow-up questions to clarify what they’ve observed. Repeating their concerns back to them can also help demonstrate that you’ve understood their worries: “So you noticed that Bella’s been more lethargic this week and isn’t eating as much, is that right?”

Clients want to feel like you care about their pet’s well-being. A simple statement like, “I understand how concerning this must be for you,” goes a long way in making clients feel supported. This emotional connection is the foundation of trust, and it can set the tone for the rest of the visit.

2. Clear and simple explanations

Research by the AVMA has shown that simplifying medical language improves client understanding and adherence to care​. Veterinary medicine can seem complicated to someone outside of the field, so clients rely on you to break down diagnoses and treatment plans into language they can understand. Overloading them with jargon or rushing through the details can leave them feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about what comes next.

When explaining a diagnosis, use plain language and focus on the key points. Whether you’re recommending treatment, medication, or follow-up visits, clearly outline the next steps. 

Clients are much more likely to follow through with care when they understand what’s involved. Checking in with them as you explain — “Does that make sense?” — ensures they’re with you and feel comfortable asking questions.

3. Transparency and honesty

Clients want to know they can trust you — not only with their pet’s health but also when it comes to discussing options, costs, and outcomes. Being transparent helps avoid any surprises and builds long-term confidence in your recommendations.

Walk clients through the different options available to them, especially if there are varying levels of treatment or cost. Even if a particular treatment isn’t necessary, offering it as an option makes the client feel empowered to make an informed decision. For example, “We can run more tests if you’d like to explore this further, but based on what I’m seeing now, I think the less invasive option should work just as well.”

Being honest about what the client should expect—whether it’s recovery time, costs, or potential challenges—can help manage anxiety and keep things transparent. This includes discussing the limitations of certain treatments or what success might look like: “This medication should help relieve the symptoms, but it might take a few days before you see a difference.”

4. A personal connection

Veterinary care isn’t just about medical outcomes—it’s about relationships. Pet owners appreciate when they feel a personal connection with their vet. This is what keeps them coming back to you, even when other practices are available.

Taking the time to remember a pet’s name, a previous visit, or even something personal about the client can create a sense of familiarity and trust. Something as simple as, “How’s Max doing with his tennis ball habit?” can make the client feel like they and their pet are more than just numbers on a chart.

Pet owners often invest a lot of emotion in their pets’ health. Acknowledging the effort they’ve put into their pet’s care — “You’ve done a great job keeping Bella’s diet on track” — helps them feel like you’re a team in the process.

5. Sensitivity in difficult situations

Not every appointment is routine. When you’re delivering bad news or discussing difficult decisions, clients need compassion and patience. They’re often emotionally overwhelmed, and your approach can help them navigate tough choices.

Approach difficult conversations with care, allowing clients the time they need to process the information. Provide support without rushing them: “I know this is hard to hear, but I’m here to help you through each step.”

When discussing serious illnesses or end-of-life care, being sensitive to their emotional needs can make a challenging experience more manageable. Offering empathy and reassurance in these moments is often what clients remember most about the care you provided.

How automation can help you deliver what clients need

When you're trying to balance attentive care with the demands of documentation, it can feel like you're pulled in too many directions at once. This is where AI scribes can help free up your focus, allowing you to engage more fully with your clients. You can be fully present in each appointment, on the floor with pets, and connecting with their owners without a physical barrier like a tablet for notes in between you. 

AI scribes take care of the documentation process by capturing key details in real time, which means you can focus entirely on the client without worrying about missing important information. With AI handling the note-taking, you don’t have to scramble to remember details after the appointment. This ensures accuracy and allows you to dedicate more time to explaining diagnoses and treatment plans clearly. 

And it’s a win for you, too. By reducing the time spent on paperwork, AI scribes help streamline your day. You’ll be able to see more patients or spend more time with each one, improving both client satisfaction and your own work-life balance.

Transform your practice with HappyDoc

HappyDoc helps you transform your entire approach to patient care. Your clinic's staff will have a personalized AI scribe that listens, takes notes, integrates with your software, and files the data away in the appropriate spot. 

HappyDoc works alongside you so you can be free to focus on what matters—your patients.

Schedule a demo to find out how your clinic can operate at its full potential, providing the highest level of care to every patient, every time.

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